I believe that Obama, like many other 2 term presidents, will be more likely to make positive changes for the country in his 2nd term. I have a theory on this and yes it is ridiculous but stick with me (metaphors work, dammit). Obama went after the job of president, for what I believe, with the best intentions. He talked about "hope and change" and he seemed to be more of a "one-of-us" type presidents. He was charismatic and gave us all hope that a president was going to get in there and change the game. But then something happened, I believe when a newly elected president is put into office he is breifed on the fact that he is going to function as a puppethead with no real control over anything. He was taken to an underground bunker decorated with goatheads, illuminati imagery, and pentagrams made up of the limbs of virgins. In this bunker, he was seated at a long table constructed of the bones of fallen dictators and is introduced to strange shadowy figures in red robes sewn together with the ligaments and hairs of orphans. These figures were introduced to Obama, via an unseen ominous voice, as the Order of the Red Robes also known as the "real" leaders of the country. No names are exchanged but they are identified and called upon by type of business they run. There is the Red Robe of Big Pharma, the Red Robe of Big Tobacco, the Red Robe of the Military Industrial Complex, the Red Robe of Finance, and Dick Cheney. The Red Robes told Obama all the wishes that they had. They told him how he was going to advance their causes and continue filling their pockets just as Bush had done before him. When Obama refused, they directed his attention to the video screen that was showing a continous loop of the Zapruder film of the JFK assassination. "He refused us one time too many, Mr. Obama" said the Red Robe of the Military Industrial Complex. And with that Obama has been forced ever since to follow the wants and desires of all the corporate entities of America...or at least the ones with the most money. Obama the puppethead, however, will recieve a repreive if he pleases the Red Robes and be blessed with a victory in his reelection campaign. The reins will be loosened on Obama and he will actually be allowed to get the things done that he wanted all along.
And then again, that is probably all a bunch of bullshit. However, it's probably not too far off because never has it been more obvious that a president has no control as it has been with Obama. Most everything he has done since in office has been influenced by the corporations. Which brings me to this, if Obama was as independent and charasmatic as he was before taking office and seemingly uninfluenced by corporate greed, "What the hell would happen if a corporate whore like Romney took office?" He would greet the theoretical Order of the Red Robes as old friends. His interest is their interest. His beliefs are their beliefs. Romney and Ryan are dangerous and as long as they would play along in the corporate game, they would be allowed to play their own game with their own agendas. So even though I realize that who the President is doesn't matter due to the lobbyists and corporations playing the puppetmaster, I fear the social reprecussions of a possible Mittens' Regime. As always, I would never state an opinion without some backup support and good solid logic. I present to you Part 1 of 5 reasons (as dictated by me) NOT to vote for Mittens/Ryan 2012.
1. Romney has Blatantly Uninformed Views/Beliefs in Marijuana.
It made me curious as to what Mittens' other thoughts might be on marijuana and here is what he had to say in a May 2012 interview with ABC.
"I believe marijuana should be illegal in our country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which is a great scourge -- which is one of the great causes of crime in our cities. And I believe that we are at a state where, of course, we are very concerned about people who are suffering pain, and there are various means of providing pain management.....I'm told there is even a synthetic marijuana as well that is available. But having legalized marijuana, in my view, is an effort by a very committed few to try and get marijuana out into the public"
It's a long quote, I know, but there is that reference to synthetic marijuana again. Man he is really into that "Spice" huh? He also makes reference to other pain management sources. Would you like to know what the most popular medicines are for pain management? Hydrocodone, also known as Loratab or Vicodin, which just so happens to be the #1 prescribed medicine in America and also the #1 most abused prescription drug. Check out this Forbes article discussing the issue here. So Mittens would rather this young man take a highly addictive drug that is responsible for at least 400 deaths per year plus countless patients developing liver failure due to overuse while keeping in mind that marijuana contributes an average of 0 to 1 deaths per year and has no ill-effects on the mind nor the bodies' organs? Sounds a little illogical to me.
But why would Mittens be so against marijuana and so for prescription painkillers and synthetic marijuana? As far as Mittens' obsession with "Spice", I don't know. Perhaps he is ill-informed or perhaps he finds it hilarious when people eat puppies, who am I to say? As far as the prescription painkiller obsession goes, I can say something solid about that. Mittens is a savvy investor and money manager; this is well-known. Romney knows where to put his money (off-shore accounts for instance), in fact, he is a large investor in the company Watson Pharmaceuticals. Watson produces numerous beneficial medicines, but one of their most popular happens to be Loratab, which as we discussed a moment ago, is in the group of the #1 prescribed and abused drug in America. Could that be a possible motive for Mittens? Seems like it to me. The reason Romney would never approve medical marijuana is because it would interfere with his personal bottom-line. Not only that but the total amount of donations from big pharmaceutical companies such as Watson to the GOP has been nearly double than that donated to Democrats over the last 18 years. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/graphic/2009/01/08/GR2009010800559.html) So I think it is safe to say that Romney is pretty dedicated to keeping his pharmaceutical buddies happy.
Marijuana poses a threat to painkillers. The studies of the positive effects of marijuana are numerous. Just check out www.imarijuana.com for proof. I know that the name of the site is a little shady and doesn't ring credibility but it is the easiest to navigate and it draws it's information from credible sources such as Harvard, the National Cancer Institute, and numerous respected doctors and scientists. I encourage anyone who reads this to do your own research on the subject, God knows I have, because I don't want people going forth in the world spouting out secondhand information. I want everyone to be informed and armed with knowledge. I'm not sure if Mittens is informed or not, but with his suggestions of the use of synthetic marijuana it leads me to believe he is a dipshit when it comes to these matters. Romney has no real concern for the American public when it comes to drugs, he has a selfish concern, but not an "overall-well-being" concern. If he truly cared then he wouldn't allow his bottomline and lobbying interests interfere. Hopefully one day he will take a logical look at studies conducted concerning marijuana and its benefits, but until then I guess he will keep going with promoting addictive prescription painkillers and puppy-eating synthetic marijuana. Please make sure to check out the rest of the series as it comes out. Also go like my page on Facebook and subscribe to this page as well. And hey, these advertisments are there for your pleasure.