Are people inherently good or bad? Can someone really be born with little devil horns and have the agenda of being a soul-sucking, human hemorrhoid hell bent on being a dick to everyone that they ever come across? Or can a person be born pure and happy with the predispostion of being cool to everyone, kind of like a "hippy Jesus" who goes around doing nice things for other people and making them feel better about themselves? Or do we learn to be who we are? Do all of life's little experiences shape us into the person we become?
I tend to lean towards the nurture side of the "nature vs. nurture" argument when it comes to how we treat people. I believe that nature gives us the basis and the ground work for a human being but those around us have to do the rest. Humans are like a new computer. You take it out of the box, get everything hooked up but until the user actually does something with it, it is a useless hunk of mass. The user determines what the computer is going to be used for. The user decides what programs to put on it, what information is downloaded, etc. The user ultimately determines if the computer is going to be a non-stop porn machine, a vehicle for writing an award winning screenplay, or equate the algorithm of equalateral mechodynamics. In life the "user" is all the people that we surround ourselves with, we are the computer. We get all the input from the people around us and they are supposed to shape our very being.
Having said all of that in dramatic fashion, it leads me to wonder, "Who the hell shaped some of these a**holes?" How do we arrive at products like Michelle Bachmann, Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussien, Fred Phelps, and Gallagher? Some people seem so grossly inhuman that it leads me to think that perhaps they were raised by some sort of mutant species that only lives off of human waste by-products. Maybe monkeys or gorillas with hidden agendas are raising them. I'm not sure. I do my best not to surround myself with people like this as I am sure most people with common sense do as well. But we all inevitably find ourselves at some point or another being around these mutants. I see shifty people taking advantage of others, I see sociopaths destroying other souls just so they can possibly feel something, I see liars who will cheat to get everything that they want. It is the good "hippy Jesus" types of people that they feed off.
I am not sure which side I am on. I know that I like to think of myself as a decent human being. I like the feeling of helping someone or making someone feel better, but I also know that I have done some dirt in my life as well. I have wronged others, I would've kicked my own ass if it was possible in some instances. I do know that I despise the human hemorrhoids though. I want to abolish them. I think that it would be a great idea to just dump them all off into that radioactive hell-hole in Japan.
I don't know what my point is in saying all of this, I think this is just a long form, off the wall vent. I just had to get this out of my system in order to move on mentally, so next time I sit down and write it can be something worth a damn.
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