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This is what I'm not. He's crazy, I'm somewhat sane. |
Often we look at conspiracy theorists as nut jobs, quacks, and people who’ve forgotten to take their meds. We envision them as an unshaven bum holed up in some cabin deep in the forest of Oregon who smokes copious amounts of marijuana, eats berries and leaves, and has a stock-pile of weaponry in their underground bunker. Many conspiracy people are exactly like this, but there are a lot of people that will look at hard facts from different sources and simply connect the dots. They base their theories on issues that make logical sense even if the thought is unconventional. If someone proposes that aliens have come down from the planet Zorax and inseminated all the world’s population of salamanders with genetically modified whale sperm in order to create a race of super amphibian dinosaurs to assassinate Donald Trump in order to take over all of his real estate holdings, then you can pretty much chalk that person up as clinically insane. There is no evidence whatsoever to support a theory that crazy. But if someone states that America has occupied Afghanistan in order to protect the heroin trade, then you need to at least look at some facts and make your own conclusion.
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Thanks for the Smack, America. I'm going to sleep now. |
The average Joe probably doesn’t know that 92% of the world’s heroin comes from Afghanistan. He probably looks at the country the way that the media and the government have portrayed it: poor, desolate, and full of terrorists. Although these things are partially true it doesn’t tell the whole story. The average estimated annual income of citizen of Afghanistan is between $300 to $800 per year which means that they are prone to possible bribery. It’s not an insult, it’s just logical. If you made even $1,000 a year wouldn’t you do just about anything asked of you for some more money? If I made that little per year, I would allow a group of Overeaters Anonymous members who just left a Mexican buffet and had been given a cocktail of laxatives and milk of magnesia to take a dump on my chest for the prospect of getting a million dollars. Well think of this; since 2001 America has poured nearly $500 billion into operations in Afghanistan. I understand and accept that a large portion of that was to fight terrorism. Bin laden was from there and we knew that he had terrorist training camps actively going on there. We knew that the Taliban was stationed there and that they are synonymous with Al Qaeda. I get all of that, but why have troops been pictured, videoed, and interviewed while guarding huge poppy fields with no threat in sight? If you don’t know, the poppy plant is the key component in the production of heroin and opium. These drugs account for nearly all of Afghanistan’s gross income, an estimated $4 billion per year. America and Russia both love heroin. American government hasn’t said much about this but in a recent interview with the Russian drug czar, Viktor Ivanov; he stated that since the US occupation in Afghanistan that heroin and opium production has increased 40 fold. To put that into perspective, if you were making the average of $47,000 per year that American’s make and it increased 40 fold you would be pulling in $1.8 million a year. Huge difference, huh? So why would America be aiding a drug that kills an estimated 35,000 Americans per year? For the same reason that they support tobacco and oil: Money!!
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See this soldier has no idea why he's guarding "heroin" plants. |
We hear the popular theory/argument all the time for why we invaded the Middle East. “It’s about controlling the oil” is most often heard and most of us accept this theory as part of the reason we are over there. Our entire nation is “addicted” to oil and we know that we need it. It’s been shown that we will pay whatever the cost is to get it. I just paid $3.28 a gallon a little while ago!! Well, a large population of the poor and undesirable are addicted to heroin and are willing to pay whatever they can to get it. They will sell a kid if they have to. Well, if America is over in Afghanistan guarding these valuable, addictive, expensive plants with automatic weapons and since they’ve been doing this the heroin business has been booming, what does that tell you? Is our government getting a cut of the exporting money? That’s possible, even 20 or 30 percent of $4 billion is pretty substantial. The reason I feel it is plausible is that our prison system is one of the biggest, most stable money makers our country has and our country is chock full of various rehab facilities with ties to many government agencies. Both of these “businesses” must have drug addicts or criminals to fill them in order to make any money. So if America is helping keep the heroin business going, they are assuring that prisons and rehabs will have both plus they will be making their percentage cut.
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See there's a lot of drugs and there's the plane too. |
You probably think that sounds ridiculous but check this out. In September of 2007, a CIA plane that had made numerous confirmed trips to England, Guantanamo, and Columbia crashed in Mexico carrying what was first reported as 6 tons of cocaine and 1 ton of pure heroin. That’s 7 tons of dangerous, mind altering narcotics. If a regular drug runner was caught with that much weight our justice system would bury him in prison. The funny thing about this report is this though, the initial report was the 6 tons of blow and 1 ton of smack then they came out and said 4 tons of coke and no heroin, then a week later they said 3.6 tons of coke, then 3.4 and they finally settled on 3 tons of coke. I can understand being off a little on the estimate and would’ve probably accepted it if they said later that it was more like 5 tons of coke and a half a ton of heroin but they cut the total nearly by half of the coke and pretended the heroin never existed. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and Google it, I’ll wait here. (Waiting, waiting, waiting…) See I told you!! What does that say to you? To me it says that the government couldn’t make it all disappear so they took what they could and said screw the rest. It sounds pretty feasible that America is in on the drug game.
This is something they do sometimes, I believe, to distract from real tangible issues. When the Occupy Wallstreet movement began, Obama made a move to crack down on the marijuana dispensaries in California. There was no real reason behind it. No logic. But he wanted to take a little attention away from the real issue. It happens all the time. Every time something tragic happens either here or overseas the government distracts us with some unimportant stupid issue. Take the war for instance, almost every time some controversy sparks up about the war, all the talking heads will pop off about gay marriage or drugs. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe both are important issues but for the wrong reasons. Gay marriage, to me, is a no brainer. We should not care who gets married as long as it doesn’t affect us negatively. Two dudes that love each other and want to commit to each other for the rest of their natural lives does not affect me negatively (nor does it to anyone else), thus I say “Go ahead, be married. It’s none of my business.” As far as drugs are concerned, I don’t think that cocaine or meth or heroin should be legal because it does cause negative effects on the people who take them and to the people around them. They are all dangerously concocted chemicals which will kill you if you take too much. Marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, and mescaline are all natural substances that have never killed anyone. Yet they are illegal. Why? Because lobbyists have told the government to keep them illegal. If they were legal it would mess with the pharmaceutical and tobacco companies. Several doctors from Harvard have gone on record that marijuana is the most medically beneficial plant known to man. I could go on and on with this tangent but for more information go and watch “The Union: The Business Behind Getting High” and that will answer any questions or concerns you may have. As I was saying the government and all of the special interest groups use these subjects to distract us from the actual problems. They do not discuss the various bank executives that had to be bailed out getting 1 million and up bonuses. They don’t discuss companies like Monsanto controlling nearly every aspect of the food industry. Hell, they don’t talk about anything of any real importance, they simply distract and remove.
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Yep, that's about right. |
All of this is not even close to comprehensive; there are thousands of little stories out there which don’t get any attention. Every day these mega-corporations are pulling off deals that ultimately screw the people. There are horrifying things happening everyday but in order to find out about it you have to dig. You have to not accept everything that is fed to you, you have to ask questions, you have to go out on your own and find truth, and you can’t believe everything you hear. I know I probably come off as some nut job but I’ve been digging into a lot of stuff lately and I just find it all so gross. Our news channels are nothing more than mouth pieces for what our elected government wants us to hear. Our government no longer cares about the needs of the people as a whole; they care about keeping the lobbyists happy. Before every vote, the congressmen look over and say, “Is this okay? Yes or no?” I don’t know what the ultimate solution is but I know that we all need to start asking more questions of our elected officials and let them know through voting and protesting that what they are doing and allowing to happen is no longer acceptable. As the late comedian Bill Hicks stated sarcastically, “Go to sleep America, your government is in control.”
Yawwwwn! All this conspiracy theory stuff IS indeed making me sleepy. Guess I'll go to bed and try counting sheeple.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I wish I could pay $3.28 for a gallon of gas!