After 30 years on this floating, rotating rock, I've observed a lot of crap. I find small joys in some of the crap and get pissed about the rest. My happiness comes from writing it out.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Link-O-Rama: All the stuff worth checking out (part 1)
I've recently said on my Facebook page Grumpy Cynical Thirtysomething, that I believe it's important to promote other creative people in their endeavors especially if they are locals or up and cummers in the world. I wanted to create an entire post of nothing but links, pages, and photos of those I admire and wish to promote. I didn't pick strictly local people though, I picked others outside the realm of my small area of TN. I picked people in the podcasting world who are working their asses off trying to get recognized. So here it is, on the anniversary of my blessed birth, my picks for people and things I think you should know.
Jennifury, also known as Jennifer Sexton, is an alternative pin-up model that I happened to go to school with back in the day. She has modeled for many various magazines and web sites over the past few years and has started her own fan page (which is the link above the picture). She took a route all of her own and did something that no one else I went to school with did. She could've been a "traditional" model but really how boring is that? So she got tatted up, put her name and some photos out there, and became Miss Tattooed Tennessee. She has done photoshoots for Hott Dame, Paperdoll, Dynamite Dames, Joshua Jordan and many others. I'm sure I haven't properly covered all of her accomplishments but you can check her out on her fan page for more information.
Epic Superfail is the brainchild of Christian Norman/Lead guitar/lead vocals and Graham Jones/Drums,Featuring and Chris "Kirby" on Bass! This is the bio according to their Facebook page which can be found on the link above the picture. I think that they are a WAY underappreciated band that not near enough people know about. They have numerous videos available on which are all really creative considering limited budget and the crappy location of East Tennessee. I really respect all that they have done and think that Christian is a really gifted songwriter who has a very charasmatic presence and one of the funniest people I know. Graham is a guy that I know from way back when in gym class and one of the coolest, chilled out guys in the world. Check out the videos below and show them some love and support. To me it would be a shame not to see these guys on a big stage one day.
This is their "professional" video shot by the talented Jacob Boyd for their song "Radar".
This is probably one of my favorite songs by them amongst others plus its a pretty damn funny video.
Backwood Galleries is run by my friend Michel Boatright and her husband Jacob. According to their page, they "Taking a unique approach to handmade furniture! We custom make anything you can dream up! Each piece is carefully designed, woodburned and hand painted." I know for a fact that Michel is a extremely creative person. In school she was always known to be the "artistic" kid and she has carried that on through adulthood. I love Michel because she is a unique person with an equally unique artistic eye. I haven't yet purchased any of their homemade furniture but knowing her, and I will vouch for her here, it has to be top notch stuff. You can also look up some of her other artistic endeavors on her personal page.
I go way back with owner/operator/photographer Nicole Leverton. We practically grew up together through our parents mutual business association. Nicole is one of the brightest and most thoughtful human beings on this planet. She has taken many wonderful series of photographs over the past year that I've followed her work. She has done weddings, parties, families, and babies. Most recently she has done some wonderful shots of my cousin's new child which are amazing. To see all of her work I provided a link to her own personal blog and you can see for yourself and afterwords you can check out her Facebook page of the same name.
Another talented photographer/friend of mine has her own business as well. I can't be impartial to her or Nicole so eventually I'll have to let them both take my handsome picture. You can see Lacey's photographs on the link above and give her page a like while your at it.
This is a podcast network run by Brian Redban. No, he's not a local friend of mine but rather a guy whom I really admire for all the content and entertainment he puts out every week. I first heard him on the Joe Rogan Experience and really liked what he did. He puts out a number of different shows every week that truly make you feel like you are hanging out with your friends and having a good time. Each show is a collection of different comics and its them just talking about comedy, life, and experiences. I listen to these podcasts everyday on my iPod and as a matter of fact right before I went into the hospital recently, I knew that I was going to be stuck there for awhile so I loaded up my iPod with about 40 shows from Deathsquad. Having something to listen to like that made my weeklong stay a lot more tolerable, like I said it gives you the feeling of hanging out with old friends and I can't recommend it enough. Not every show he does may be for you but there is such a variety on there that I promise that you can find something that you will be into.
This is just one of the many shows on the Deathsquad network. This is Your Mom's House with Tom Segura, Christina Paszitsky, and Redban. Always hilarious and one of my favorites.
I put this along the lines of Deathsquad because it's were I first heard of it. The JRE is also a lot like hanging out with your friends but this is like hanging out with your really smart friends (and that's no slam on Deathsquad). Joe brings on guests from many different facets of life. He has had historians, survivalists, mushroom experts, and of course comedians like Joey Diaz, Duncan Trussell, Bert Kreischer, and Ari Shaffir. I never listen to an episode without laughing hysterically and also learning something new. It brings the best of both worlds out into focus for me.
This list is far from comprehensive but its a good start on finding new and entertaining things. If you can I'd like everyone to check out all of these sights and you can find something for yourself. The only way that creativity can thrive and continue is through support and recognition. So go forth and enjoy and let me know what you think. Also if you have a business to support or if you want some promotion for yourself, let me know and I'd be glad to do it anytime.
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