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Probably the picture that warranted me the most threats Go check it out, most of them are still there. |
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I just like making people happy |
(Note: These are completely unaltered except for the removal of her name. Everything else is 100% verbatim)
Unhappy Angry Woman:
I told I once to take my pic down I have spook with the autortys of this
i have contacted facebook and the autortys over this because you have done this more than once to me ur page will be shut down ur smartest thing would be to take it down or i will go forward with leagl actions agenct you do you understand that my lawer has already looked at it and it is harssment and my child is in the back ground of it you have know right putting pics that you had no way of getting on here.
Ms. *****, the faces of whoever these pics are of are clearly blurred out. The pic is clearly for the purpose of humor and there is no harm being done here. There is no malice. Also, if this is you, no one would know until you identified yourself on the page. Pictures like this fall under the parody/satire laws. There is no wrong doing in the picture being posted. If there is a problem with me using a picture like this then sites such as People of Walmart, Humorgasms, WTFTattoos, and other similar sites would be shut down. It would probably be easier and better if you could just laugh at it for what it is. It's a funny picture/scenario with TWO blurred out faces and no names attatched to it. I really find it difficult to comprehend why this picture upsets you. People send me funny pictures, stories, and e-mails all the time and this was no different. I'm sorry that you do not find humor in a humorous situation. I would hope that if there was a funny picture of me out there on the internet that people would share it and find joy in it. As a matter of fact, I welcome you to take any picture you find of me and do with it as you please. There are plenty to choose from and it is my gesture of good will to you or anyone else. If you choose not to find joy in it or take me up on my offer, then I urge you to start your own page perhaps demanding the removal of all humorous websites that use photos of non-celebrities in funny situations.
Unhappy Angry Woman:
i dont care i know it is me and my child and really i dont care of any off the other websites on here i know that this is me and i dont want it on someones page the point is it needs to come down i know alot of people that looks at your page and this was a halloween party that somepeople in my family did not come too and i do not want them to see this it is my body and my kids i would really like you to take it down find someone else to pick on this could cause a lot of prom, in my family bye doing this please take it down i have already deleted on facebook because of you doing it once befor please
and another thing is it was funny at the time for the people that was here when that was going on but it anit funny when you see it on someone else page it dose kind of hurt and i really dont need this stuff going on in my life it cause a lot of drama with family
if it did not have my kid in the back ground i would not be as upset with it but i do not like the pic and it makes me look like a whore when i have been married for 11 years if my husband seen this he would be pissed and i would not here the end of it i really hope you understand my point of veiw with this just please take it downjust please find someones else pics to mess with leave my out of it please
you know it is bad when you have a 10 year old and a 8 year old thats wants to get up and go to church on easter moring and yet i have to set up hafe the nite trying to get a pic on a web site that shopuld have neve been put up there in the 1st place you know you need too tell god ur sorry for keeping me up all niteGrumpy:
I assure you that no harm was intended in the posting of this picture. I would never pick on an individual in a public manner like this. If there are certain people that you would like me to block from seeing this picture (family, friends, or whoever) I would gladly do so. Please understand that I'm not intending on being rude and that is why the faces were blurred out. I made sure that there was nothing identifying anyone in this picture as I am acutely aware that a lot of local people look at this page and even people as far as California. Other faces in other pictures are not blurred because they were already public pictures available for anyone to see, but this particular picture was sent to me from another person. The person told me that I could use it as I saw fit. The initial picture didn't have the faces blurred out and was promptly taken down. I apologize for any hurt that people may have thrown on you, they are silly, humorless sad people.
I'll consult myself on taking the picture down.
Unhappy Angry Woman:
please because there is alot of people that comes to my house and knows that is my house and know that is me and who sent the pic to you
I'll make a deal with you. I'll take it down if I can publish our e-mail exchanges. I will remove your name and picture and no one will have to know it is you. I think it would make for an amusing scenario. Sorry about whoever alerted you to the picture and that you are up so late, God is okay with it. How about it?
Unhappy Angry Woman:
really i dont want nothing to do with you website and how do i know that you will just block my pic and name from me seeing it no i would rather not but i will make a deal with you i do have so reall good pics from when i was in high school of somepeople that is on your page i will send you in the next few days you will have to let me dig them out
just tell me who sent the pic to you of me
And then I fell asleep for awhile because it was indeed late, I didn't respond to her for the next 12 hours until I got this.
Unhappy Angry Woman:
u tank the pic down now and dont show my face or email and u can post the emails but if i find my face or my name back up here or get a call from a friend i will contact my lawer
well name
i ask u to take it down now the next time you here from me will be in court unless you take it down now no posting the emails we have snt too each other i was going to be nice about it but u could not do anything that was right i have made a copy of the emails we have sent and i have sent them to my lawer in email
You are getting pretty snippy, I will take it down for now because I don't like threats. Wouldn't a court find it funny that you were willing to throw your friends under the bus to get your picture off of here? Anyway, I'll take it down from the page. You are now free to get your panties out of a bunch.
Unhappy Angry Woman:
i never said that they was my friends and thank you very much
you dont know how much better i fill for you saying that and just to let you know i will send you some pics i think you will like that are really funny can you do youtube on ur page i will help you with pics and keep your web page being funny just for doing the right thing
and just to let you know i dont have any friends but one that i trust the rest of them are crap friend dont trun there back on you when something gose bad and friends dont make fun of you
Grumpy: Dearest Ms. *****, you have provided me with much entertainment. I appreciate your candor and threats. But now I must really stop our correspondence because my eyes hurt, please rest assured that I will not name you nor use your face in any picture. You will remain a mystery, but make sure to subscribe to my page and see if you can get upset over anything else in the future. I feel we haven't spoke for the last time.
I haven't heard anything from her since because I did take down the picture for the time being. Everything else is completely public if you want to check out the other awesome people who hate me.
Her grammar and spelling were so terrible that even I was embarassed by it. Wow.
ReplyDeletethis is awesome. these are the type of people we live with. ignorant podunks. my favorite part "God is ok with it" classic!!!