Friday, January 4, 2013

Ann Coulter's Greatest Hits

I was delighted this morning when I went to read through the Huffington Post and found a new Ann Coulter clip.  Ann Coulter is one of my favorite comedians and has kept me entertained for years.  The only thing is though, she has no Comedy albums or specials, instead she has little guest appearances on FauxNews and other shows that are eager to hear her well thought out, considerate views.  She is kind of like the one-woman show equivalent of another hilarious traveling improv group, the Westboro Baptist Church. 

I believe that both her and the infamous hate group are really just a bunch of failed actors who couldn't make it to the big screen and had to find another way to make money.  They troll us all and get us all upset and they ultimately win.  Well, while I do think that we should find everything Ann Coulter and the WBC do repulsive, I also think that we should see it for what it is:  large scale trolling.  They are like those douchebags that can find a negative, adverse thing to say about any given subject, picture, or story.  I guarantee that if you go to any large Facebook page, scroll through and find the most innocent looking picture of a baby or flowers, you will see a comment on there somewhere that says "That's a gay baby" or "Flowers are the devil's tools for sin" or something equally ridiculous.  And this is exactly what people like Ann Coulter does, give that bitch any subject and she can find away to twist it up and piss off every American with an IQ higher than Forrest Gump's.  So instead of getting angry, just see it for what it is and have a laugh, and realize that only bottom feeders buy into this crap. 

Here is the clip that had me laughing in disbelief this morning.  You see, this attention whore needed some new attention and thought it would be funny to say that we should publish a list of all women who've had an abortion so we would know who would be willing to murder a child.  If you watch carefully, you can see the split second before she says it and the moment afterwards that she is obviously trolling.  She knows what she just said is preposterous but that moment afterwards she also knows that she just got herself a new YouTube clip.  She doesn't believe in a damn thing that she says.  She just keeps on thinking of the most horrific things to say and vomits them out for attention....because she's an attention whore. 

The great part of what the Huffington Post made was what I like to call a "Greatest Hits of Ann" and I wanted to link it here for you.  It's given me a lot of laughs this morning.  Check it out here.


  1. Ann is just one of the talking heads guarding the inhabitants of Bullsh*t Mountain from rejoining the world of the sane. Fox News is a propaganda machine which dumbs down America by the day through disinformation and their slanted agendas. See their anchors spewing forth feces from their mouths in my visual homage to the network on my artist’s blog at

    1. This artwork is freakin fantastic. I would love to share it on here, if you wouldn't mind (with full credit to you of course). This has to be seen by more eyes
