Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Need a Reboot: Ending 2012 and taking 2013 Seriously

I feel this so hard.  Hearing it once is fine but
after that, you kind of feel like shooting someone
while calling them a motherfucker.
When I started this blog in 2011, I started off with a goal in mind.  I wanted to write something 2 or 3 times a week, I wanted to be relevant, I wanted to be funny, and I wanted it to lead to something.  Guess how many of those goals were achieved?  Two, sort of and those are subjective.  What the hell happened?  I could sit here and reel off a whole list of excuses but that would be boring.  So instead I wanted to take a new approach to the whole blog starting with the cliche of the the New Year.  I know that is lame and I hate myself for even typing those words but I sort of figured this time to be a good jumping off point. 

This year I am going to start to treat this blog as a job.  I found that to be my problem in the past.  It was something that I did casually and I often would have ideas and then be too busy or more honestly too damn lazy to write them down.  So this year every day for at least 1 to 3 hours a day (or night) I'll dedicate myself to this page.  Whether I write out some original ideas or whether I make it commentary on news or if I simply find some stuff on the internet that interests me.  I want my site to become a place that my friends and fans come to in order to find and learn about interesting shit that they might not have otherwise found.  I want to add my commentary to whatever I find suitable.  So without further adieu, I wanted to start this off with introducing some interesting stuff that I've recently been looking into. 

The Picture of the Day
If you've ever seen any of my other pictures then
you'll know exactly where I got this.

I'm not sure what it is with girls either making a duckface or sticking their tongues out in seemingly every other picture on the internet but our friend here on the leftside of the picture has taken it to new levels. Lick a friend!! If any of my friends licked me while taking a picture, the next shot would be of me punching him in the throat.

Interview with a Cannibal: from Vice.com

I first learned about this guy while listening to my favorite podcast (and sort of my inspiration for doing this in the first place) the Joe Rogan Experience.  His name is Issei Sagawa and he is a confirmed psychotic cannibal.  In 1981, Sagawa murdered fellow college student Renee Hartevelt in Paris and over the course of three days cut off and devoured pieces of her and saved other choice cuts in his fridge.  He was caught dumping the leftovers in a lake.  The story itself is chilling and disturbing but I feel that most of us are so jaded with crazy news stories that we cannot ever truly grasp the horror of crimes.  This short 30 odd minute documentary is an interview with the monster.  He gives details of his crime along with personal illustrations with such a matter of fact attitude that it sends chills up your spine.  He admittedly has no remorse for his crime and by watching it, one could definitely conclude that he would like to do it again.  And he very well could, because guess what?  He never served prison time for his crime.  He was immediately sent to a psychiatric hospital in France after his apprehension and declared insane.  However the French, in their infamous hospitality, did not want to foot the bill for keeping this madman locked up and deported him back to Japan.  Japan is known to take care of their own and after a short stint in one of their hospitals, they released him and he's been free ever since.  This documentary covers not only his crimes but his life since the "incident", as he calls it.  He has made a living off his own infamy writing books about his crime, starring in cheesy Z level Japanese movies exploiting him as a cannibal, and even did a porn with an unsuspecting actress who only learned of his crimes after the sex was done.  So gather up the family, get some popcorn, and watch this fun-filled, happy-go-lucky documentary...or not.  You should probably watch this alone and with a side of horror and disgust.

The Joe Rogan Experience

This definitely will not be the last time I mention the JRE as it continues to amaze me with every episode but I felt that I have to mention it in the first blog of the year.  If you've never listened (and according to statistics only me and about 10 other people in the entire state of TN listen to any podcasts), you have to.  As a matter of fact, if you don't listen to this one then find one that you do like.  Podcasts are, to me, the best form of entertainment, information, and distraction that can be had for free.  Go to iTunes, go to podcasts and you'll see literally hundreds of great shows...all for free.  You pay nothing!!!  Anyway, go find one and do it, you might learn something!!  This clip hear is one of a series of 2012 year in review videos for the JRE so I figured it would be a good taste for people new to the experience. 

The 9 Wildest Things Fox News has said in 2012 from the Huffington Post

I found this little jewel this morning while scrolling around my Huffington Post App.  I won't always pick on Conservatives and Republicans but when you get something this great it's hard to ignore.  I promise I'll knock on the liberal side as well, because we say stupid shit all the time too.  I've found that this year, above many others, we have examples of bad, terrible rhetoric from the Conservative side though.  A lot of rape minimalizing, a lot of gay blaming, and a lot about how the absence of God in schools has led to these shootings has been muttered without a bit of foresight from these Neanderthals.  Rape has been a big issue with them all year, I guess because of the whole birth control drama.  The birth control issue is something I could go off on for an hour but I'll sum it up in as few words as possible.  Birth control is a good thing, we are overpopulated as it is, women have the right to it, companies that try to deny it are anti-progress and in all reality too cheap to provide it and think we are all too stupid to realize it, and it should really be a non-issue.  There I said it.

The Lumineers

Now on to something more cheery...I know that I am probably just old or out of touch but I recently discovered this band while bullshitting around on Spotify.  Apparently, millions of other people heard about these guys before I did and have watched this video and bought their album but dammit, it's better late than never.  I just picked up the CD today (I know it's available to listen to for free on the internet but sometimes I like having a physical copy. Stop judging me!!) Holy Batman's Nutsack, Robin!!  This is a tremendous album.  There doesn't seem to be one moment of "suck" on the entire thing.  I do however, recommend watching this video with your eyes closed because it is about as lame as it gets but the song is great. 

If you like what I do or if you hate me, come check me out on Facebook at Grumpy Cynical Thirtysomething.  Tell me how great you think I am or tell me I'm an asshole.  Either way, thanks for reading.  Also for God's sake, go through my Amazon links if you want to buy from them, I'll get a few pennies.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on this one. I am attempting to get more of a plan together to invest more time toward my blog as well. Maybe we can push each other! So far I have listened to the Joe Rogan experience the last two days (even though there hasn't been any new ones), found cannibals to be extremely creepy, and the fact that he fell through the cracks of Justice even creepier. The Lumineers are pretty sick and will devote some ear to them for sure. Keep it up!
