Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Listening to Bachmann & HPV: Only one can cause retardation.

I was reading one of the more recent articles about the "Upright Republican Brigade" yesterday that was talking about the debate between Perry and Bachmann that talked about one of the crazy lady's newest stances.  I didn't watch the debate, to be honest, because I really can't watch either party anymore.  It just frustrates me too bad.  The article talked about Bachmann taking a stab at Perry signing an executive order to have all girls entering 6th grade to get an HPV vaccine.  I thought to myself before reading on, "What is the big deal there?" but then I remembered who we were dealing with so I was hard pressed to read on.  Bachmann has her panties in a bunch because Perry thought it was a good idea to vaccinate girls against one of the most rampant STDs and leading cause in cervical cancer in a 2007 order.  She stated all the expected uber-conservative crap like it promotes sex to underage girls and it being a violation of civil liberties but then she said something so retarded that there was really no other words for it.  She stated that it can cause mental retardation and that there were no second chances for these girls once they get it.  What??  Really??  Before I did any research on my own I knew that this statement was a wildly inaccurate.

I expected the "promoting underage sex" thing because that is the first thing out of any of their mouths whenever anything having to do with sex is brought up.  Here it is people:  Kids, teens, or adults are going to have sex when they want to have sex.  You can give them all the information on why not to or what precautions one has to take and none of it matters because the day that little Susie decides she is going to let Bobby deflower her it’s going to happen.  Do these people really think that by giving girls a shot that could potentially save their cervixes they are going to turn on the horny switch and go on a Madonna-scaled-guy-banging bender?  Please, if any of the girls went out and had sex after the shot it was because they already wanted to.

As far as the violation of civil liberties goes, yeah I can kind of understand that because people don’t like the government telling them what to do.  But it’s not like Perry was ordering them all to get standardized female circumcision, he was addressing an actual public health problem that could be potentially avoided with a vaccine.   I have a feeling though that there would be an uproar if any political figure were to issue a mandate that stated all citizens were required to breathe air.  Bachmann would be on Fox News shouting, “Who does this Senator think he is?  It is my choice whether I breathe air or not.  I am urging all of my constituents to get a medical procedure to install gills on the side of their heads so they do not have to follow this cruel and brutal government mandate.  We will take to the lakes and streams if we have to, but we will not be forced into breathing.  And as we all know breathing air can cause Down’s syndrome and syphilis.”   You may laugh, but really can’t you just hear her saying something like that?  It’s really not that far-fetched.
Now we can get to my favorite part, the part where she states without any proven medical evidence to back her up that these vaccines cause Mental Retardation.  I actually lol’d on myself when I read that the first time.  I had zero evidence in front of me but I do have a brain.  I did do some research just to make sure and as a consensus doctors say the biggest side effect is some mild initial pain and possibly a mild fever in 20% of the patients.  I didn’t find this on some Dr. Oz site; I found this on the CDC website available for one and all to read.  It was a pretty reckless claim to make and just about as ridiculous as the above paragraph stating that air will cause syphilis and Down’s syndrome.  If her claim was true, we would’ve heard about it by now.  The CDC reports that roughly 35 million of these vaccines have been given and ZERO reports of mental retardation have been reported.  Sadly though, some people will not do any research.  They will blindly follow a crazy woman married to a closeted (and obvious) gay man who carries on clinics to rid people of homosexuality.  These same people will start to use her argument as fact and it will become some sort of cause to rally around.  Bachmann claims that she made this statement based on meeting a mother in Florida (really reliable) whose daughter had gotten the vaccine and turned into a retarded person.  She met ONE woman who made a claim that she didn’t even look into and made this bold of a statement for the world to read and know about?  That seems pretty dangerous to me.  She did try to make a semi-valid point about the whole HPV ordeal though.  She pointed out that Perry had received donations in the past from Merck, the company that made the vaccine, and that is why he mandated this proclamation.  The problem with that statement was the donations made from Merck were pretty small in terms of corporate donations at about $20,000 and under.  If a Senator or any politician could be bought for that little don’t you think we would be doing it on a daily basis?  That would be a pretty big ask on Merck’s part, “Hey, we will give you 20 grand if you will issue a statewide mandate in one of the largest states in the country to get our vaccine.”  See that just seems silly. 
Don’t think by reading this that I am in any way a big supporter of Perry either.  He is a mild, little less nutty version of Bachmann.  He is crazy about the whole gay marriage thing too and he jogs with a gun.  Being as staunchly against gay marriage as he is it does raise that question to me as to why he is.  My theory has long been that anytime a politician gets behind something stupid like banning gay marriage or outlawing marijuana that they have some sort of hidden reason.  Usually with the anti-gay rants it comes down to the fact they are self-hating homosexuals themselves or in Bachmann’s case she is married to a self-hating homosexual.  With the marijuana hatred it comes down to the fact that they are not getting paid to endorse it, instead they are being paid to be against it.  The whole political system (and I believe I have said this before but it’s ok) is like a giant auction with special interests on sale.  No politician actually believes in all the things that they stand behind, but they do believe in money.  If GLAAD were to cut a check for $10 million to Rick Perry this morning, he would be in the streets wearing a rainbow vest and assless chaps celebrating gay rights this afternoon.  None of it matters; all of them are full of it.  I used to consider myself a hardline liberal, but even that is B.S. anymore.  They all change their minds and back out of promises once they find out there is no money to be gained.  Why else do you think that tobacco is still legal?  A product that kills countless thousands each year, (I believe it is something like 1 every 6 minutes) stays on the market because tobacco corporations are paying off politicians every day.  So don’t take this as some giant liberal stance from me (although I technically still feel the way liberals are supposed to feel) but rather a funny observation on the ludicrousness of the political system.   

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