Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Grammatical English Rapists....aka people who cannot type or spell

It's all their fault
None of us are perfect, I am certainly not.  I have looked over my own previous posts and found typos here and there.  If I make a mistake, I own it, correct it, and move on.  However, social media and texting are either making people dumber when it comes to spelling or they are simply putting a spotlight on people who were stupid to begin with.  I have talked and complained about this a million times but it does not seem to get any better.  Some people I can understand that perhaps they are not that educated or really not all that sharp, it’s not necessarily their fault.  Maybe they went to a crappy school or maybe they had a parent who didn't care to ever correct them or some other circumstance happened that made them a little less articulate than others.  I don't know, but those people I can accept in a certain way.  I know that anything they have to say is not going to be all that profound, controversial, or thought provoking.  Yes, it hurts my eyes to read it but I get it.
But here are the two sub-sets of Grammatical English Rapists that I cannot stand, the people that irritate me on a daily basis when I see what they type.
  1.  The people who misspell on purpose and alternate capital letters with lowercase letters.  Obviously they are attention whores who have nothing of any value to say.  I will give an actual example of this pulled from a FB friend that I guarantee will not read this anyway, "aight mane im soo tired of these fake ass lil boys tryn to act like dat bout sumthin when da really not hahaha bet dat"  I have no idea what this person is saying.  My wife and I get such a kick out of reading his statuses, I will often do a dramatic reading of them to make the effect all the better.  I am not kidding this came directly from a FB status post.
  2. The people who have a lot of self-righteous talk or are always complaining about social/political situations but cannot spell half the things that they are saying.  Like I said I understand typos happen, but when every other word is grossly misspelled it kind of loses its message.  It would be like if the President had a really great and important message that he decided to publish in every newspaper and social media site and half of the words were misspelled...badly.  A person's credibility on whatever it is that they are talking about goes right out the window when they are typing/spelling like my 4 year old.  I'm not going to post a whole status of this person because they might actually read this and I am not out to hurt a person's feelings directly (but the only reason this person would read this would be so that he/she could disagree with me).  Here are a couple of snippets and examples of his/her word rape:  solatude (solitude), admireing (admiring), dume (doom), prisidential, (presidential), comunist (communist), inocent (innocent), spues (spews).  I could go on and on but I think you can get the point here.  Please do take notice that all of these are strong words.
Now you may ask yourself or perhaps not, "Why keep these people around?  If they are that stupid, quit complaining and delete them.  Or you could just ignore them."  Good point but I will tell you why I keep them around:  They are entertaining, not in any sort of intentional way, but in the best unintentional comedic way.  The guy who misspells with nothing to say is fun to keep around because doing dramatic readings of his statuses is hilarious.  I wish I could let everyone take a peek at his statuses and/or texts.  He never actually says anything funny but it is all so horribly stupid that it is kind of funny.  The other social/political guy I keep around because I love to argue with him.  We are like Bill Maher vs. Sean Hannity, there couldn't be two more polar opposites than those two, except for us.  He makes me feel more right because he is not only wrong, but he is a Grammatical English Rapist who defiles the language with his stupidity 


  1. My mom didn't care if I was bad at math or science. However, if I failed any grammar/English classes, I was in big trouble. 'Nothing is more crippling' is what she would say. I never failed, thank goodness! I am very aware of these types you speak of. All I can say is UGH!! and PLEASE JUST STOP!!! :) they make my brain scream. I can only thank my mom for that :)

    1. Interesting that you commented on grammar/spelling today on your FB page....three posts down from that....it's "rhyme" not ryhme.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. Appreciate the love. I can't wait to share one of the e-mails I just recieved from an angry reader. If only she had read this first...
